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Green light for Alvarez to continue Olympics.

Man City striker Julian Alvarez will have one of the club’s busiest summers in 2024. After being named in Argentina’s squad for the 2024 Olympics as one of three over-aged football players. According to local media outlet Diario Ole. Although there has no official announcement

Warning signal!? hypercholesterolemia

Warning signal!? hypercholesterolemia Hyperlipidemia High blood cholesterol is one of the NCDs that people around the world suffer from the most. And is the main cause of the risk of hypercholesterolemia cardiovascular and brain diseases (CADs) that have 3 groups: coronary heart disease Stroke and

Is Eating Plant Protein Better for Health?

Is Eating Plant Protein Better for Health? Protein from plant sources From natural sources. That we have heard are high in protein, such as spinach, cruciferous vegetables, asparagus, turnips, mushrooms, and grains such as legumes, nuts, etc. If the protein from plants that come from these

PM 2.5 dust and its dangers to the skin.

World tends to face more air pollution problems. Especially during this period, our country is experiencing problems with PM 2.5 dust exceeding the standard. Because PM 2.5 dust is smaller than 2.5 microns, which is 20 times smaller than human pores, it can easily penetrate into the

Are electronic cigarettes safe?

Coming to the conclusion that Is it true that electronic cigarettes are safe? The answer is “It’s actually safer than cigarettes. But it is not 100% safe” as explained above. Because the compounds in e-cigarettes are still debated about their safety. They are not yet 100% safe, but

How does diabetes happen?

Normally, the occurrence of diabetes is related to a hormone produced by the liver, namely the hormone insulin. This hormone is the one that carries glucose from the blood into the cells. Within organs throughout the body such as the brain, liver, kidneys, heart. So that the cells can

What is influenza?

Influenza is a symptom of the body being infected with the influenza virus that causes the acute respiratory system. Symptoms include sudden high fever, headache, body aches, and fatigue. Influenza symptoms. For those who are sick with influenza When symptoms appear, they usually occur immediately and