3 Different Ways To Pick Your Lottery Numbers

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3 Different Ways To Pick Your Lottery Numbers.

When it comes to choosing lottery numbers, everyone has their own preferred method. Some like to analyze past draws to spot any patterns, while others look to the Zodiac for the answers.

Of course, no matter how you pick your lottery numbers. The draw is always totally random. While there is no method to guarantee a win. There’s no harm in having one, either.

1. Study The Statistics

This method involves looking up previous draws and noting down the balls that get drawn most frequently. And thanks to a global obsession with lotteries, there is tons of information out there for you to study.

Although there’s no mathematical reason why some numbers get drawn more than others, there are a few that appear to be hotter.

2. Use Numerology

Next up, we come Whether you choose to use this method really depends on whether you’re a believer in the power of the universe.

Anyone can calculate their own “numbers” which hold a significance that’s personal to them.

We’re not going to go into. How to find them, as it’s a really long process. But there are plenty of websites that explain. How it all works if you want to try this method.

Once you’ve come up with six numbers, use them for the next lottery draw.

3. Use Lucky Numbers

Nearly everyone has some lucky numbers.

You might like 10, for example, as it’s your birthday. Or you could have an attachment to number 28 for no reason whatsoever.

Lucky numbers come in all forms, from anniversaries to player jerseys. All you need to do is pick the ones you like or hold a sentimental value for, and that’s pretty much it.

It’s certainly not a scientific way of doing things. But it’s always been a very popular way to pick lottery numbers.